Ten Years of "Art Pioneer·Art Practice" Research Project

Launched in 2013, the "Art Pioneer·Art Practice" research project of Renmin University of China (RUC) has now reached its tenth anniversary. Adhering to the intention of "inheriting culture and serving the people", the practice group spreads intangible cultural heritage, strengthens the cooperation and exchanges of aesthetic education between schools and localities, and lets art infiltrate thousands of children through volunteer teaching. 

Explore new ways to inherit and disseminate intangible cultural heritage

Enhancing the ability of inheriting and innovating intangible cultural heritage is the ten-year focus of the practice group. In the past ten years, the practice group has visited more than 100 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage across the country, and learned a variety of artistic forms, including instrumental music, handicrafts and dance. The members also tried to understand the current challenges of the intangible cultural heritage and strove to tell the stories of the inheritors through new media channels.

On July 8, 2023, the practice group came to Datong, Shanxi Province, visited a number of outstanding intangible cultural heritage inheritors, and learned Datong bronze ware and Datong knot art. The members consulted inheritors on the successful experience of intangible heritage brand building and discussed about the opportunities and challenges when the new media integrates with the heritage.

The practice group also went to Yungang Grottoes and Datong Jin Theater. In Yungang Grottoes, the members learned the skills and knowledge of cultural relic restoration, and realized how hard the work is. In the Jin Theater, the members had in-depth exchanges with the actors to study the glorious history of Jin opera and its inheritance and protection at present. 

On August 2, 2023, the practice group came to Ailiqi Village, Wusu City, to visit Humai and Orteke art inheritors. Humai is a special vocality art of Mongol minority, which was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage lists. Orteke is an ancient Kazak performance art that wooden goat puppets dance to the plucked musical instrument. 


In the performance, the inheritor imitates the grassland animals vividly and tells the legendary story of the hero Dzhangar with a unique singing voice, which deeply touched the members and strengthened their determination and confidence to uphold the integrity and innovation of the intangible cultural heritage.

On August 12, 2020, the practice group walked into the intangible cultural heritage training center in Longpeng Town, Yunnan Province, to explore and learn the Haicai Tune and Cigarette-box Dance of the Yi people. Hai Cai Tune is a tune that people sing while collecting sea vegetables. Cigarette-box dance is derived from the Yi custom of “eating fire tobacco”, which shows the vitality of Yi young men. Under the leadership of the inheritors, the members learned the singing style of Haicai Tune and the dynamic cigarette box dance, which gives them an eye-opening experience.

On July 13, 2019, the practice group went to Guanling County, Guizhou Province, to learn Lusheng dance. The members experienced the dance steps of Lusheng and also learned the problem of talent losing, which results in less and less inheritors of this art. Cheng Ziyue, a member of the group, wrote in her diary: "The learning of Lusheng dance is largely dependent on oral instruction. There is still a long way to go to promote Lusheng dance and make more people realize its value."

On July 15, 2018, the practice group went to Quanzhou to visit the Puppet Show Protection and Inheritance Center. The members watched the puppet show performance and interviewed the puppet show inheritors of the troupe. The troupe teacher told about the history of puppet drama and the problems encountered in the contemporary inheritance. The members offered advice with their own professional knowledge, such as to promote the puppet drama on online platforms which is popular among young people.

Find new ways of cooperation between RUC and the locality

In the past ten years, the practice group went to hundreds of counties and districts to hold dozens of art performances for the masses. The members dug local characteristic cultural resources and carried out a series of art activities in the campus, opening up the "second class" of students’ aesthetic education.

On August 5, 2022, the practice group entered Luotuowan Village, Hebei Province, and carefully prepared an artistic performance for the villagers. The performance includes singing, drama and string ensemble, which has integrated the folk culture with the elegant art and displayed the features of the art troupe of RUC.

On August 14, 2020, the practice group came to Lanping County, Yunnan Province, to learn different opinions of the art basic education. In Yongchang community, the members had an in-depth communication with the staff and artistic workers, consulting them about the development of the the art courses in local campus and communities. The practice group also shared the art knowledge with the local schools to promote cultural exchanges.

On August 11, 2020, the practice group went to Xuyang Town, Sichuan Province. The members expressed blessings to the villagers with beautiful songs, dances and dramas. "Crossing the Ocean to see you" and "Exploring Qingshui River" combine the characteristics of the folk music and the pop music, which had attracted the villagers and won a warm applause. 


Embark on a new way of art support teaching

Based on the current situation of aesthetic education, the "Art Pioneer ·Art Practice" project has carried out dozens of art support teaching for primary and secondary schools in the past ten years. The members explained the basic knowledge and appreciation methods of art forms to students which can help them better understand art, participate in art, and find the beauty of life in art.

On July 19, 2023, the practice group went to Datong City, Shanxi Province. The members and the children learned music theory and local culture together. Besides, the figure training ignited children’s enthusiasm which also deepened the interaction and connection between art and people.

On July 26, 2022, the practice group went to Yubu Village in Guangxi Province for art support teaching. The members brought vivid classes to the children with their various artistic talents. The classes of Miao dance, classical symphony and drama performances has aroused the children's yearning for art.

On July 26, 2015, the members of the practice group came to Rongxian County, Sichuan Province, to learn the lofty ambition of the first president of RUC——Wu Yuzhang——in front of his former residence. The members commemorate him with a wonderful public welfare performance. 

In this art support education, the members of the practice group started art courses for local leftover children. Moreover, they taught classes like chorus, instrumental music and dance by means of on-site teaching and games, which opened an art door for the leftover children.

Aesthetic education is a necessary part of cultivating well-rounded people. In the past ten years, the members of "Art pioneer·Art practice" project has managed to serve the people with art, to educate people with art and to tell the people about art. In the future, the project will adhere to the intention of "inheriting excellent culture and serving the people", and continue to widened the road of educating people by art and culture.

During ten years, more than 500 teachers and students have participated in the "Art Pioneer·Art Practice" research project. They have visited more than 100 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage in over a dozen provinces and hundreds of counties. In these places, they held diverse artistic performances combined with their own artistic expertise and local cultural characteristics.