2023 PPE Series of Interdisciplinary Dialogue Courses

Starting from September 25, the School of Philosophy of RUC will launch the PPEPhilosophy, Politics and EconomicsInterdisciplinary Dialogue Course (Season 3) for 12 consecutive weeks. Experts and scholars from different fields of humanities and social sciences will be invited to have a dialogue with industry elites on a certain topic, and provide interdisciplinary and multi-perspective understanding and interpretation of important issues in academic, social, and life fields.


Chief Planner

Zang Fengyu


Planning Team

Yuan Li, Wang Xiaowei, Tian Jie, Fan Ting, Wu Yue



401 Lide Building, RUC



September 25th - December 25th

Every Monday 18: 00-20: 30



School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China

PPE Committee, Renmin University of China

Interdisciplinary Platform for National Governance Modernization and Applied Ethics, Renmin University of China