Two National Key R&D Projects Approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology

Recently, the special assessment result of the 2023 National Key Research and Development Program was released. "Two projects led by Renmin University of China, Quantum Phase Transformation and Physical Construction of Low-Dimensional Magnetic Materials " and "Statistical Basic Theory, Methods and Applications of Non-Independently and Equally Distributed Big Data", have been approved. The approval of the two national major projects not only highlights the excellent scientific research strength of RUC in the field of physics and statistics, but also injects strong impetus into the development of basic disciplines of the university.


Prof. Wei-Qiang Yu, Project Leader of "Regulation of Physical State", and his research.


The project “Quantum Phase Transformation and Physical Construction of Low-Dimensional Magnetic Materials” is chaired by Prof. Wei-Qiang Yu of the Department of Physics, RUC and joint by scholars from Beijing Normal University, Sun Yat-sen University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Anhui University.


Professor Zhu Liping, Project Leader of "Mathematics and Applied Research", and his research.


The project “Statistical Basic Theory, Methods and Applications of Non-Independently and Equally Distributed Big Data” is hosted by Prof. Zhu Liping of the Institute of Statistics and Big Data, and joint by scholars from Shandong University, East China Normal University, Beijing Normal University, the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Xi'an Jiaotong University.


As an important component of the country’s science and technology program, the National Key R&D Program is funded by the central government, focusing on funding major social researches concerning national economy, people’s livelihood, the core competitiveness of the industry, the overall capability of independent innovation, and national security. The program aims to provide sustained support for the main fields of national economy and social development. Undertaking national key R&D program projects is an important way for universities to serve the development of the country, and plays a vital role in the construction of innovation hubs, the enhancement of scientific and technological innovation capacity and the cultivation of talents.


In the new era, Renmin University of China will redouble its efforts to boost the development of science and technology, striving to develop into a world-class university with distinctive Chinese characteristics.