Zheng Xinye met with Beata Javorcik, Chief Economist, EBRD

On March 21, Zheng Xinye, Vice President of Renmin University of China (RUC), met with Beata Javorcik, Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Mr. Zheng Xinye warmly welcomed Beata Javorcik and his delegation before giving a brief introduction of the history of RUC and its status quo. He said that RUC was established amidst war and turbulence. As a result, the development of the university is deeply rooted in the rejuvenation of the nation, with great contributions to the nation in terms of anti-aggression, land reform, education equity, women’s emancipation, and medical and health care service and etc. As an exemplary player in Humanities and Social Sciences in China’s higher education, RUC has been actively engaged in educational exchanges and cooperation with major economies in the world, and has played a unique role in integrating Chinese and foreign cultures and enhancing civilization exchanges in the field of philosophy and social sciences.

He further noted that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which has a wide influence and good reputation in China, helps and supports the transformation of Eastern and Central European countries into a market economy and thus is of great significance to the development of the world. As a result, the university hopes to fully tap the academic strength of the Department of Energy Economics, the Institute for Peace and Development, among others, by working with the EBRD to further explore the exchange and cooperation in the field of energy transition via academic visits, joint research, academic seminars and other forms of exchanges and cooperation, and to join hands to promote the cooperation between China and Europe on energy and low-carbon transition, making due contributions to the realization of green development.

Beata Javorcik warmly responded to Zheng’s remark before introducing the history, purpose, main business, coverage of EBRD. She then elaborated on the “Macro and Micro Impacts of Green and Low Carbon Transition in the Global Economy - EBRD Low Carbon Transition Report 2023-24”. She pointed out that the number of EBRD shareholder countries now reaches 74. The EBRD has long been uniquely positioned to support the development of private sector enterprises in countries and to promote policy exchange and dialogue, with the Bank’s investment in the private sector accounting for 80% of all investments in 2023. She expected to see this meeting could further deepen mutual understanding and bring new impetus to the cooperation between the two sides.

Following the meeting, Beata Javorcik gave a special lecture for the teachers and students of the university and engaged in a heated discussion with the teachers and students on related issues.