RUC Holds Forum on Promoting Globalization of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics

Renmin University of China (RUC) held a forum themed “Promoting the Globalization of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics” on April 25th. The forum was organized by the School of Philosophy at RUC, the University Alliance for Constructing an Independent Knowledge System of China, and the Ministry of Education.

Xu Qingsen, Director of the Social Sciences Department of the Ministry of Education, Lin Shangli, President of RUC, and representatives of members of the University Alliance attended the forum and delivered speeches. Wang Yi, Vice President of RUC, presided over the forum.

Lin Shangli pointed out the importance of constructing the independent knowledge system of China and outlined the crucial steps for realizing this goal. He said that universities must have the commitment to promote philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics in the global academic community. He emphasized the need to deepen the overall, systemic, and scientific research and interpretation of China’s innovative theories, which will not only help the international community better understand China and Chinese modernization, but also contribute to solving the common problems faced by humanity. He called for embracing innovation and promoting interdisciplinary integration in emerging fields, encouraging cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary cooperation at global level to foster new impetus for new quality productive forces.

Lin Shangli also highlighted the importance of global perspectives and international cooperation. He said that universities must develop intense international communication and cooperation, gaining global insights to further construct disciplines in philosophy and social sciences. He expressed hope for the forum to gather wisdom to discuss cutting-edge issues in constructing independent knowledge systems, promote academic exchanges and cooperation, and provide innovative ideas and theoretical support for solving practical problems.

In his speech, Xu Qingsen stated that the forum is a collective endeavor of universities in social sciences to accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics through organized scientific research. Faced with the opportunities and challenges brought by the digital era, universities’ philosophy and social sciences have great potential in disseminating excellent Chinese academic works and fostering Chinese knowledge innovation.

Xu Qingsen pointed out that members of the University Alliance for Constructing the Independent Knowledge System of China should continuously conduct high-quality research with theoretical depth and take the lead in interpreting China’s innovative theories. They should devote their resources to China’s development and provide policy advice by carrying out forward-looking, targeted, and contingent policy research. Universities also have the responsibility of effectively enhancing China’s discourse power, launching influential academic brands, and presenting a real, vivid, and well-rounded image of China to the world.

Xu Qingsen hoped that, with the help of the University Alliance, universities could continuously produce landmark achievements and high-quality works, increasing global influence of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Representatives of universities from the University Alliance for Constructing the Independent Knowledge System of China also spoke at the forum. They stressed the importance of forward-looking planning and strengthened cooperation among universities through the University Alliance, and called for the integration of the independent knowledge system with China’s innovative theoretical system, fine traditional Chinese culture, teaching and research system, and academic evaluation system.

Representatives also highlighted the need to enhance organized research efforts, strengthen top-level design, promote effective implementation, foster an innovative ecosystem, systematically improve collaborative research capabilities, and focus on creating an academic community for the independent knowledge system. Furthermore, they underscored the importance of enhancing policy advisory capacity, bridging domestic and foreign perspectives, integrating ancient and modern wisdom, and actively providing advice and suggestions around the central tasks of China’s development. Universities must address issues concerning China, the world, the people, and the times, contributing to the promotion of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics in the global academic community.

The forum was held on the second anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s 2022 visit to RUC, when he pointed out that “constructing the independent knowledge system of China is fundamental for developing philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics” and that universities should “continuously promote innovation in knowledge, theory, and method so that philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics can stand in the global academic community”. Over the past two years, RUC has taken these words as guidance and worked steadily towards constructing the independent knowledge system of China.

The University Alliance for Constructing the Independent Knowledge System of China was established in 2023 to implement the requirements of the “Action Plans for High-Quality Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Universities Towards 2035” and “Implementation Plans for Constructing the Knowledge System of Philosophy and Social Sciences and the Improvement of Universities’ Policy Advisory Capabilities Project”. It aims to accelerate the construction of a disciplinary system, an academic system, and a discourse system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, with the independent knowledge system at its core. The University Alliance now has over 60 members, all of which excel in philosophy and social sciences disciplines.

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