Delegation of the University of Chicago Visited RUC

 The delegation of the University of Chicago visited Renmin University of China (RUC) on May 10th, where Zheng Xinye, Vice President of RUC met with Katie Hrinyak, Associate Vice President of Global Initiatives & Strategy at the University of Chicago, along with Ge Zenning, Executive Director of the Center in Beijing, University of Chicago.


Zheng Xinye warmly welcomed the visit of Katie Hrinyak and briefly introduced the academic history of RUC as well as its current development. He emphasized the university's commitment to talent cultivation in key areas such as sustainable development, energy security, climate change, and global governance. RUC has made significant achievements in the fields of humanities, social sciences, artificial intelligence, and big data. The university has maintained active student exchange programs with the University of Chicago, nurturing numerous professionals with international perspectives and expertise in the development processes and public policies of China and the United States. 


Zheng Xinye expressed his hope for further practical cooperation between the two universities, particularly in economics, sociology, artificial intelligence, and big data, as well as joint research projects. He extended a sincere invitation to young American students, scholars, and academic leaders from the University of Chicago and other institutions to conduct on-site academic research and exchange at RUC, aiming to enhance the academic influence of both universities and contribute to global governance solutions.


Katie Hrinyak introduced the academic situation of the University of Chicago and the progress of the University of Chicago Global Centers. She noted that RUC is one of the most important Chinese partners of the University of Chicago, with a large number of international students, including many from China, including exchange students from RUC. Over the years, the two universities have built a solid foundation of cooperation and achieved globally influential academic results together. Young scholars from the University of Chicago also intend to conduct field surveys and academic exchanges in China, contributing to the further deepening of pragmatic cooperation and mutual understanding between Chinese and American youth.


During the meeting, both sides highly affirmed the achievements of cooperation between the two universities and reached a consensus on further promoting deeper cooperation, expanding cooperation areas, strengthening professional talent cultivation, and facilitating dialogue and exchanges between Chinese and American youth.