RUC Men’s Volleyball Team tops 2013 Premier League
On April 21, the final round of the 2013 Capital University Volleyball Premier League was held successfully in the stadium of Central University of Finance and Economics. Men's volleyball team from Renmin University of China (RUC) won the first place with a 3-0 victory over that of Beijing University of Technology. So far, RUC men's volleyball team took the crown in the league with five victories. Besides Renmin University of China, volleyball teams from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Sport University and Beijing University of Technology also took part in the 2013 Premier League. One of the strongest rivals of RUC men’s volleyball team is the players from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. However, on April 14 RUC snatched three points and defeated BUAA.  After this key match, RUC players won three consecutive 3-0 victory over the Beijing Sports University, Beijing Jiaotong University and Beijing University of Technology, showing a good competitive state with sharp attack and solid defense.
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