Vice Chancellor of University of Bedfordshire visits RUC
On June 5th, Mr. Bill Rammell, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of University of Bedfordshire (BEDS) visited RUC and met with Dr. ZHA Xianyou, Vice President of RUC.  Beds1 During the meeting, Dr. ZHA Xianyou first introduced briefly to the guests about RUC. Then, he explained in details to the guests about the ten-year development plan of RUC aimed at building a first-class world-renowned university. This plan included five grand strategies, i.e. the development of a comprehensive education roadmap; the building of think-tank; the internationalization of RUC; the building of the new campus; and the image building of RUC. VP ZHA said that the internationalization strategy was an important part of the ten-year development plan and RUC looked forward to cooperating with world-renowned universities.  Mr. Bill Rammell briefed about BEDS. It was founded as a comprehensive university in 1993, which was formerly known as College of Advanced Education. And the disciplines of medical care, media arts, and business were the advantageous majors. He mentioned that the two universities enjoy similar internationalization strategies and BEDS looks forward to cooperating with RUC. beds2 Dean of School of International Education Mr. LI Hai bin, Deputy Dean of School of International Education Ms. CHEN Ni, and Deputy Director of International Office Ms. CHENG Xin attended the meeting. Mr. Bill Rammell then visited RUC School of International Education.
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