Leadership Delegation from Hebei University of Economics and Business Visits Renmin University
On the 16th of November, Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB) University Council Chairman DONG Yaowei, University President JI Lianggang and other leaders from HUEB paid a visit to Renmin University. RUC University Council Chairwoman JIN Nuo and Vice President WU Xiaoqiu met with Chairman DONG and President JI during their visit. Both sides conducted a thorough exchange of their ideas on such topics as how to improve teaching quality, how best to develop and build courses, and how to strengthen exchange and collaboration. 404a4639 Chairwoman JIN welcomed President JI and Chairman DONG to RUC, informing them that RUC is an important site in China for high-level education in the humanities and social sciences, that in the 2013 education evaluation undertaken by the Ministry of Education, 9 disciplines at RUC ranked number one in China. She continued, noting that HUEB and RUC have very similar specialisations, and have a close collaborative relationship, and expressed hope that this visit will serve to strengthen collaboration between the two institutions, so we can help meet each other’s needs and draw on each other’s strong points to offset our weaknesses, to spur on the process of education development. 404a4625 Chairman DONG then briefed the attendees on HUEB’s current development plans, hoping that this visit could serve as a turning point that would see further collaboration with RUC, increase the flow of information and resources between the two institutions, and to continue to spur breakthroughs for HUEB with regards academic and scientific research.


After, President JI pointed out that HUEB and RUC have done great work creating space for broad collaboration, and expressed hope that both institutions will continue these efforts in the future, promote friendship, and draw on RUC’s admirable experience with regards management and scholarly research, so as to realise a fruitful and superior academic partnership. 404a4642 Following, Vice President WU presided over a forum held between the two parties. 404a4733 Vice President WU informed the group that RUC and Hebei province have a long history, that strengthening ties between the two universities will contribute towards the ‘Jing-Jin-Ji’ strategy, also having benefit for the ongoing development of the two Universities. RUC is conducting thorough investigations into the efficacy of its management of scientific research and course development, and has learned much from the process, it is hoped that both sides can continue their collaborative efforts, and continue to see positive outcomes. 404a4702 Chairman DONG gives some opinions on how to improve education and teaching resources. 404a4697 President JI briefs the meeting on HUEB’s work developing the disciplines of industry and commerce management, economics, and law. 404a4728 Leaders from both Universities came together to discuss issues surrounding how best to develop education and strengthen collaboration. 404a4684    
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