University of Massachusetts Boston Campus Vice Provost Travels with Delegation to RUC
On the 6
th of December, Vice Provost Ira Jackson and delegation from University of Massachusetts Boston Campus (UMass Boston) called on RUC, where they were met by Vice President YI Zhihong. The purpose of this visit was so as to discuss opportunities for further exchanges and collaboration between the two universities.
Vice President YI first expressed thanks to UMass Boston for their support over the last ten years in establishing and developing the Confucius Institute (CI), and briefed the delegation on the current situation at RUC. Vice President YI emphasised that future collaboration between the two schools depends on the strengths and support of both sides, and hopes that utilising the platform of the Confucius Institute will help facilitate exchanges between teaching staff from both sides, as well as increasing opportunities for students from both institutions to interact.

Vice Provost Jackson held in high praise the hard work of the teaching staff and volunteers at the Confucius Institute from both sides, affirming the important contribution that the CI has made to both sides of the partnership. At the same time, he introduced some of the achievements of UMass Boston in the fields of environmental science, socio-demography, and chemistry. Vice Provost Jackson also expressed his hope that the academic relationship between the two institutes would develop in depth and breadth, helping each other to develop their courses, and facilitate collaborative research on some of the most pressing international issues. At the same time, he expressed willingness to act as a facilitator to help RUC develop their relationship with other US universities.
The US Director of the CI at UMass Boston, SUN Baifeng and the Chinese Director FU Chunmei were part of the delegation to RUC. Also in attendance were RUC Dean of the School of Environmental and Natural Resources professor MA Zhong, Department of Chemistry associate professor MOU Tiancheng, and School of Society and Population Studies associate professor SUN Juanjuan, where they each gave Vice Provost Jackson a brief rundown on the recent developments of their respective departments, expressing hope for future collaboration with academics from UMass Boston.

At 2 O’clock in the afternoon, Vice Provost Jackson gave a lecture titled “US at the Crossroads” at Qiushi Building. RUC School of Public Administration Dean YANG Kaifeng presided over the talk. Vice Provost Jackson made an incisive analysis on US hard and soft power, as well as systemic pressures and challenges, giving his evaluation of the current situation in the US. He also briefed the students on the current state of the Sino-US relationship, including his thoughts on the future development of the relationship.

After the lecture, Vice Provost Jackson went on a tour of the Public Policy Decision Research Laboratory, so as to better understand the research currently underway at the School of Public Administration, during which he expressed his deep impression of the quality research and technological support evident at RUC.

From this year, it has been ten years since UMass Boston’s CI was established. In these ten years, both sides have utilised the opportunities provided by the CI to develop visiting scholar and student exchange programs, and today’s visit will serve to further promote comprehensive exchanges in the fields of academia, culture and the arts. In October, RUC Vice President WU Shaoqiu visited UMass Boston’s CI to attend the CI’s 10
th anniversary celebration. RUC School of Classics Dean YANG Huilin participated in a seminar on the topic of “Confucius and the Present Era,” giving his perspectives on Confucius and Confucian thought’s contribution to global civilisation as well as the influence it has on life in society such as in modern culture and business. During this visit, RUC also organised a student performance troupe to hold a performance for the audience at the celebration.
UMass Boston CI was established in 2006, being the 6
th Confucius Institute established in the US. UMass Boston CI was established jointly between RUC, RUC’s affiliate high school, and UMass, being the first to be jointly established trilaterally between two universities and a high school. UMass Boston CI has an international reputation with regards Chinese language teaching, promoting Chinese culture, and Sinology, creating a platform for language and cultural exchanges between China and the US, making a significant contribution to promoting friendly relations between the two nations. UMass Boston is located on Columbia Point, and is the only public university in Boston, being an exemplar for city-based universities in the US. At present, there are around 16,000 students who attend this university, studying at the university’s Colleges of Liberal Arts, Science and Mathematics, Management, Nursing and Health Sciences, Public and Community Service, Education and Human Development, and Advancing and Professional Studies.