RUC Convenes Meeting of Chinese Confucius Institute Directors
On the 13th of December, during the 11th session of the Global Confucius Institute Conference, RUC convened a meeting for the Chinese Confucius Institute (CI) directors. Executive Vice Chairman of the University Council professor ZHANG Jianming presided over the dialogue. Chinese Directors of RUC’s Overseas Confucius Institutes came to Renmin University in order to participate in this meeting. 2b1a3938%e5%89%af%e6%9c%ac Attending the meeting so as to deliver the work reports for their respective Confucius Institutes were SONG Xinning of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CAI Yongqiang from University College of Dublin, WANG Hong from University of Helsinki, XU Ying from University of Bologna, WANG Xiaolu from University of Geneva, SU Qing from Copenhagen Business School, FU Chunmei from University of Massachusetts Boston, SHENG Xiwen from University of Michigan, and ZHANG Qingxu from University of Costa Rica. The general format of the brief given by the directors was as follows: detailing the local characteristics of their particular Institute, as well as its important projects and successes, and how it has developed over the years; problems that have cropped up during the development of their Institute, especially those that require the assistance of the RUC Confucius Institute for their resolution; any collaborative work conducted with their host university or with research institutes in China, and any situations where they are utilising funding from Hanban to sponsor collaborative projects; and the general reception of the task of promoting Chinese language and culture within the host university and the host nation. Once professor ZHANG Jianming had finished listening to the directors, he gave a summary on the reports as well as raising his opinions and thoughts. He began by expressing gratitude on behalf of the University for all of the Directors who had been sent abroad to work for the CI, stating that the work of RUC’s 13 CIs is becoming increasingly professional with regards Chinese language education and cultural promotion, and that the popularity of CI is getting greater with each passing day. Today, CI has been active for over 10 years and its achievements are prominent, and it is facing favourable opportunities for development, with each of RUC’s cooperative partner institutes actively seeking ways to continue to develop. With the backing of RUC, these overseas partner CIs will surely receive the support they need to continue to succeed well into the future. 2b1a3964%e5%89%af%e6%9c%ac Professor ZHANG put forward four opinions on the work of RUC’s Confucius Institute. First, the Chinese directors at the CI are working in difficult circumstances, so RUC needs to carefully consider their work and living conditions, not only with respect to supporting their professional work, but also actively helping the director resolve any problems in their personal life. To resolve this, leaders from the University must increase their level of contact with the directors, so as to provide greater support for the overseas directors. Second, each Institute faces different local circumstances, presenting it with a different set of problems and challenges. To resolve this, these particular issues must be taken into consideration when selecting staff and volunteers to post to these Institutes, so as to provide support and care for the staff living and working overseas. Third, at present there are many complicated situations in the world at present, so while the director is overseas working for the Institute, they must maintain firm principles and actively adapt to the different national situations in their locality and university. They must always take in to consideration cultural differences so as to overcome difficulties, and this may also help to develop fresh progress in their work. Fourth, each of the 13 CIs established by RUC have their own characteristics, so the 13 directors of the various institutes should maintain lines of contact.  In this way they can pass on their experiences with each other and actively seek new methods for development, so as to promote the future sustainable development of the CI. The meeting was hosted by the Director of the International Office ZHANG Xiaojing. 2b1a3930%e5%89%af%e6%9c%ac Staff from the University Council Organisation Department, the Personnel Department and the International Office were in attendance at the meeting. In 2006, the RUC CI established its first overseas partner CI. To this day, RUC has now established 13 CI Overseas Partner Institutions, which together have 20 Confucius Classrooms in 11 countries throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. RUC has over 200 student volunteers and 80 teachers working at overseas CIs. During today’s Global Confucius Institute Conference Rector Andrew Deeks of University College Dublin, one of RUC CI’s partner Institutes, received the “Global Confucius Institute Individual Excellence Award.” To date, RUC’s partner Institutions, 18 have received “Model Confucius Institute,” “Confucius Institute Individual Achievement” and “Outstanding Chinese Partner” awards.      
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