Vice President HONG Dayong attends Beijing Association of Higher Education Congress
On the 30
th of December, the 10
th congress of the Beijing Association of Higher Education’s (BAHE) was held in the lecture hall at the State Education Commission, with over 200 representatives from the BAHE, the Beijing Education Committee, the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, and representatives of all of Beijing’s tertiary education institutions attending the congress. The purpose of the congress was to select new leadership. RUC’s Vice President HONG Dayong was elected as the Vice President of the Association, with the Director of the Education Office HONG Longyong and acting Dean of the School of Education QIN Huimin selected as Executive Managers, and the School of Foreign Languages’ Professor CHENG Tongshe, the School of Journalism’s associate Professor YIN Qiang, Director of the International Office ZHANG Xiaojing, Dean of the Graduate school SONG Yuanfang and assistant Director of the Library SONG Jifang being elected as council members.

During the congress they also handed out awards for 2014 excellence in higher education awards, with RUC’s School of Education being awarded the “Outstanding Higher Education Pedagogical Research Organisation” award.

During the proceedings the vice-Mayor of Beijing, WANG Ning gave a speech during which he expressed hope that the Association would be guiding by the spirit of President XI’s orations; that is to develop academic activities and stick to the central task of cultivating virtuous young people, to foster and put into practice the core values of socialism, and to create systems to encourage innovation in tertiary institutions. He noted that the constitution of the Association highlights the need to develop tertiary education, and hopes that the Association can, in this light, pay more attention to the need of personnel development and innovation in education so as to increase the quality and efficacy of tertiary institutions in Beijing.
Then the BAHE’s executive vice President SHI Long delivered the work report of the ninth board of directors. He related the important tasks completed by the Association during this period, focussing on pedagogical research in higher education institutions, deepening reforms, strengthening personnel development, improving the abilities of the teaching staff, cultivating a sense of responsibility in the students, and introducing academic activities and competitions to promote the development of these areas, all in order to promote the development of tertiary education in the capital.
The BAHE is an academic, non-profit social organisation geared towards conducting scientific research into education theory and practice. Established 35 years ago, this Association actively develops research into higher education to satisfy the requirements for improved quality and standards of education in the Capital, so as to contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of tertiary education in Beijing. RUC actively participates in the Association’s research work, with many of the academic and faculty staff being involved in its subsidiary Associations such as the “University Japanese Education Research Association,” “Research Students Education Research Association” among others, actively making contributions to research into pedagogy and administration reforms.