China Institute of Industrial Relations Council Chairman QU Zengguo and Delegation Visit RUC
On the 28
th of February, the Council Chairman of the China Institute of Industrial Relations (CIIR) QU Zhengguo and delegation paid a visit to RUC. The delegation was met by RUC University Council Chairwoman JIN Nuo and President LIU Wei, as well as University Council deputy Chairman ZHENG Shuiquan. CIIR President LIU Xiangbing and vice President WU Wanxiong were also present.

Chairwoman JIN welcomed the delegation to RUC, and gave them a detailed rundown on the present developments at the University, briefing them on how they are at present working hard to improve courses, attract quality staff, and expand the campus, working hard towards the goal of becoming a ‘double first-rate’ university. She concluded by stating that RUC is eager to continue collaborative exchanges with CIIR, so that the two institutions can grow and develop by learning from each other’s experience.

Following, Chairman QU commended RUC as a leading tertiary institution in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, that has played an important role in supporting the CIIR. He concluded by stating that both institutes have a long history of friendship, and it is hoped that from today forward both institutes can deepen exchanges and strengthen the foundation of collaboration, to aid in our development.

President LIU commented that both institutions trace their origins to Yan’an, and so have a profound shared history. Both institutions encountered similar challenges during their development, and have helped each other overcome these challenges, which has been mutually beneficial. Both work hard to collaborate with think-tanks, and work and learn together, and our efforts make a great national contribution.

Following the meeting, Chairman QU and his delegation went on a tour of the university, taking in the campus’s history museum and the library.