Meeting Held at RUC to Discuss Preparations for the 80th Anniversary Celebration
On the afternoons of the 23rd and 27th of February, two important meetings were held at RUC in preparation for the 80th anniversary celebrations. RUC’s top leadership team – vice Presidents YI Zhihong, HONG Dayong, HE Yaomin, and LIU Yuanchun, and University Council deputy Chairmen WU Fulai and ZHENG Shuiquan were in attendance, with the meeting presided over by executive deputy Chairman ZHANG Jianming. Chairman ZHANG began the meeting by expressing his hopes for a successful anniversary celebration, and his desire that all people involved will be able to come together to work hard to ensure a successful event. He then asked the others present to put forward their ideas for organising the celebration. Vice President YI raised some important points such as how best to raise funding for the event, and how to get alumni and members of society involved to contribute to the success of the event. Following, deputy Chairman WU noted the importance of ensuring cooperation between the various schools and departments of the university in organising cultural events and performances, including sporting events, so as to create a vibrant atmosphere for the celebrations. Vice President HE echoed deputy Chairman WU’s points about the importance of showcasing cultural events during the celebrations, also noting the necessity to display RUC’s academic achievements during this time, and to ensure that all related pamphlets and reading material were edited to an impeccable standard. All of the points raised at the meeting were discussed amongst those in attendance, who then took on these points to be distributed to the departments and schools involved in the preparations. Everyone will now be working hard to ensure the preparations run smoothly, and will be spreading the word in what promises to be a momentous occasion!  
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