On March 12, an event for RUC alumni hailing from Guangzhou was held. RUC Vice President YI Zhihong attended along with around 300 of RUC’s former students.
RUC Vice President YI Zhihong briefed alumni on recent academic developments and the construction of the new campus, affirming the solidarity and contribution of the RUC Alumni Association of Guangzhou, set up 32 years ago, that has played a pivotal role in local development. She expressed her hopes for the future establishment of an Alumni Association Chamber of Commerce and the RUC Business School Alumni chapter in Guangzhou. Lastly, she welcomed many alumni to attend their alma mater’s 80th anniversary. RUC Alumni Association of Guangzhou Vice President HUANG Rongkang, and Alumni Association Deputy Secretary LI Zui and Alumni Association Chairman HUANG Shufei briefed attendees on the 2016 Alumni Meeting, financial reports, the board of supervisors’ report.
At the Meeting, the Alumni Association Chamber of Commerce was formally established in Guangzhou and alumnus SHI Zhengbing was elected as Chairman. This Chamber of Commerce will become a comprehensive high-end platform for all alumni for studies, exchanges, mutual assistance and cooperation based on trust and gratitude by sharing information, pooling resources, and servicing other alumni.
At the same time, RUC Business School Alumni Association of Guangzhou was established. Alumnus GUO Yang served as Chapter President. School Party Secretary JIANG Minghuang said in his speech that he hoped there would be greater social and economic development at the Business School and more contributions could be made for future alumni in regards to the alma mater.
Earlier on March 10, RUC Vice President YI visited NASDAQ listed companies in Panyu district in Guangzhou (YY). Founded by philosophy major, class of ’93 graduate LI Xueling, the company has seen rapid growth in recent years, and is currently ranked as one of the top national internet companies. LI and founder of JD.com, also class of ‘92 sociology graduate LIU Qiangdong are model RUC alumni that have met with great entrepreneurial success. Director of the Alumni Office GUO Haiying also accompanied the visit. On March 11, VP YI met with other outstanding alumni along with notable Guangzhou government officials to welcome them back to their alma mater to join in celebrating its 80th anniversary.