On July 4th, the 11th Sino-Russian Peace and Development Committee Plenary Session convened in Moscow, Russia, with Chairman XI Jinping and Russian President Putin in attendance representing both Committees respectively.
RUC Vice President YI Zhihong as Committee Member gave an opening speech to honor Sino-education board of directors. RUC School of Economics Vice President and Secretary of the Party Committee GUAN Xueling were also in attendance.
VP YI Zhihong reported on her own establishment of development of different projects including continuing research in Russia, and taking charge of leading educational and cooperative projects, including Sino-Russian academic exchanges, personnel cultivation, for practitioners, innovators and leaders, while also organizing a series of pragmatic cooperation with higher education institutes to deepen non-governmental work and contributions.
Sino-Russian Peace and Development Committee Meeting was held in April 1997 with both Russia and China with both governments proposing to establish non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The Committee established a Trustee Council Meeting, Experts Council, Businessmen Council, Culture Council, and Education Council, altogether a total of 16 Councils.
Under guidance of Educational Council Committee Members’ Meeting and support, the University established a Russian educational leaders exchange and cooperative NGOs. Currently, members include those from RUC, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Foreign Languages University, Heilongjiang University, Shanghai Foreign Languages University, a total of 11 higher education universities. The Educational Council’s aim is to promote exchange between the two nations China and Russia with people to people exchanges and educational cooperation, to work towards mutual understanding and friendship, and ultimately strengthen overall bilateral ties.