Modern philosophy and scientific revolution——The 8th Modern Philosophy Forum


March 29 to March 31, 2024


Lide Building, Renmin University of China


School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China

Institute of Foreign Philosophy, Renmin University of China


Forum agenda

March 30

Opening ceremony 8:00-10:00

8:00-8:30 Sign in

8:30-9:00 Opening ceremony


Room 403, Lide Building


Wu Gongqing (Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Zhang Pengju (Party Secretary, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)

Zhang Zhiwei (Chairman of the All-China Society for the History of Foreign Philosophy, Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China) 

Wu Zengding (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Peking University)

9:10-9:30 Group photo of participants


  Outside the Shaw Convention Centre

9:40-10:00 tea break

First discussion 10:00-12:00

10:00-12:00 Group A first discussion


Room 410, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Kang Zixing (Professor, Institute of Humanities and Social Studies, Beihang University)


Zhang Xingang (Professor, School of History and Culture, Shandong University)


Liu Haichuan (Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Chongqing University) Natural Law in Genesis 1:28 and Locke's On Government Part II. 

Yao Xiaoyu (Lecturer, School of Government, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Hooker on Natural Law and the Foundation of Political Order. 

Hou Jieyao (Assistant Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Locke's Theory of Property and the Contract Theory of Distributive Justice 

Sun Shengsheng (PhD student in the Philosophy Department of Sun Yat-sen University) Is rational motivation quiet passion? -- Thomas Reed on the principle of reason in action

10:00-12:00 Group B first discussion


Room 412, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Chen Tao (Associate Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Han Xiao (Associate Editor, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Li Meng (Professor of Philosophy, Peking University) Descartes' Passionate Self: The Problem of the Self in On the Passions of the Soul 

Jia Jianghong (Professor of Philosophy, Nankai University) Mena de Billan on Apperception and the Self: Empirical or Transcendental? 

Jiang Xiwen (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China) on Cartesian Corp article Theory and Continuity 

Shao Feng (Lecturer, School of Marxism, Southwest University of Finance and Economics) Character and Self: John Mill on Freedom of Will

12:10 Lunch


Hui Xianfu

Second discussion 14:00-16:00

14:00-16:00 Group A second discussion


Room 410, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Han Xiao (Associate Editor, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Li Meng (Professor of Philosophy, Peking University)


Wang Nan (Associate Professor, School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law) Self-closure and Openness -- Hume on Compassion 

 Chen Tao (Associate Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Reinventing Virtue: Conscience and Public will 

Qi Xiao (PhD Student, Department of Philosophy, University of St Andrews) Contract and Custom: Hume's theory of double covenant Practice

Yue Jianwei (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Relevance and Criticism -- An analysis of Husserl and Hume's theory of perception

14:00-16:00 Group B second discussion


Room 412, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Feng Jiahui (Assistant Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Wu Zengding (Professor of Philosophy, Peking University)

The Speaker:

Lei Biyang (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Tongji University) Radicalizing Spinoza: from the perspective of Negri's reinterpretation of Deleuze's Spinoza

Song Jiahui (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Fudan University) Self and Otherness: a pair of implied relations in Spinoza's theory of power

Li Hao (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Fudan University) How did Spinoza lay the foundation for a "scientific" biblical hermeneutics: from his critique of Maimonides in Chapter 7 of Theopolitical Treatise

Byun Jun-suk (PhD candidate, Department of Philosophy, University of Leipzig) Parallelism or equivalence theory? -- Spinoza's mind-body relationship

16:00-16:10 Tea break

Third discussion 16:10-18:10

16:10-18:10 Group A third discussion


Room 410, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Li Kezheng (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Liu Haichuan (Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Chongqing University)


Liang Pang (Assistant Professor, Center for Chinese Politics, Peking University) Free will, morality, and the State: Hobbes and His Enemies

Wang Ruiyuan (Associate Professor, Party School of Guizhou Provincial Committee) Making Man with Words: Hobbes' Theory of Language

 Zhang Nan (Lecturer, School of Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University) Income calculation and fraud Success: An analysis of the Fool's Debate in Leviathan

Liu Yanni (Assistant Professor, School of Marxism, Sun Yat-sen University) The Representative Under the Mask -- On "Personality" in Hobbes' Leviathan

16:10-18:10 Group B third discussion


Room 412, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Feng Qing (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Wu Gongqing (Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Bi Shengwei (PhD student, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Huaqiao University) Inner Infinity: From Spinoza to Early German Romanticism

Li Xiaoyuan (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Fudan University)

The Singularity of effort - a boost to Spinoza's kinetic interpretation

Yi Yuxi (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Fudan University) The exploration of the question of "time" on the absolute level -- Schelling's philosophy system of "absolute and time" beyond the temporal dimension of Spinoza's ethics

Xiao Wanzhi (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Nankai University) A contemporary interpretation of Spinoza's "entity" theory: a discussion based on contemporary French Marxist philosophy

18:20 Dinner



March 31

Fourth discussion 8:30-10:30

8:30-10:30 Group A fourth discussion


Room 410, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Jia Jianghong (Professor, School of Philosophy, Nankai University)


Wu Gongqing (Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Bi Congzheng (Lecturer, School of Public Administration, Humanities and Arts, Dalian Maritime University) Machinery and organism in the process of modern philosophy

Li Zhilong (Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Hunan Normal University) Impulse and perception: on Leibniz's new solution to the mechanical theory "conatus"

Li Yi (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Wuhan University) The Debate between substance and nothingness: Leibniz and Eckhart on the Universe as a whole

Wang Sheng (PhD student, School of Philosophy, Fudan University) Spontaneity of things under the vision of Divine Synergy: A Critique of Leibniz's duality theory

8:30-10:30 Group B forth discussion


Room 412, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Zhang Haojun (Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Lei Siwen (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)

The Speaker:

Guo Guanyu (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Science, Southeast UniversityThe systemic function puzzle of Hegel's idea of life

Feng Jiahui (Assistant Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Philosophy is the history of philosophy? -- The origin and orientation of Hegel's theory of the history of philosophy

Cheng Fu (Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Xi 'an Jiaotong University) Kant's conception of life and its interpretation of natural teleology

Pan Chuxuan (PhD student, Department of Philosophy, Peking University) The ascension of the evil infinity to the true Infinity in Fichte's epistemology -- based on the concept of "sufficiency of relations"

8:30-10:30 Group C first discussion


Room 402, Lide Building 


20 minutes for each speaker, 15 minutes for critique, 25 minutes for discussion


Sun Shuai (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)

The Speaker:

Wang Xinru (Lecturer, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)

On Calvin's thought of natural law

Fu Dong (Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Xi 'an Jiaotong University)

Rediscovering Tocqueville: an opportunity to trace Tocqueville's connection to the Western philosophical tradition

Liu Kezhou (Lecturer, Liberal Arts College, Chongqing University)

The collapse of the Theory of quality and Form: a re-examination of the de-formalization scheme in modern philosophy

Liu Bingjie (PhD student, Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University)

Metaphysical reconstruction of Kant's good will to Rousseau's Conception of conscience: a textual comparison based on Emile and Foundation of Moral Metaphysics

10:30-10:40 Tea break

Round Table & Closing Ceremony

10:40: -12:00

10:40-11:40 Round table


Room 403, Lide Building


Lei Siwen (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)


Problems and approaches -- the future of modern philosophical research


Liu Haichuan Chen Tao Hou Jieyao Li Zhilong Feng Jiahui Pan Chuxuan Li Xiaoyuan

11:40-12:00 Closing Ceremony


Zhang Haojun (Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China)

Summary of the meeting:

Li Meng (Professor of Philosophy, Peking University)

Speech from the organizer of the ninth Modern Philosophy Forum

12:10 Lunch






If you are interested in participating in the forum, please send your detailed personal information (name, university, major, ID number, mobile phone number and interest in the forum) to renaissancethought@126.com before 21 PM, March 27th (Wednesday). This forum is limited to 40 off-campus places, welcome to actively apply!

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