Renmin University of China Celebrates Alumni Culture Festival and Alumni Day

 The warm sun, blooming flowers and gentle breeze of May has witnessed the campus of Renmin University of China adorned with laughter and the vibrancy of old friends. From May 18th to 20th, the 6th Alumni Culture Festival and the 2nd Alumni Day were grandly held, drawing alumni from all over the country back to their alma mater to reminisce about the past and reconnect with old classmates.


Establishment of the Alumni Entrepreneurs Association

On May 18th, the establishment ceremony and forum of the Alumni Entrepreneurs Association, themed "Uniting in Strength, Achieving the Extraordinary," were successfully held in RUC.

Zhang Donggang, Party secretary of RUC, emphasized the RUC’s excellence is demonstrated in terms of its character, ideals, beliefs, purpose, knowledge, faculty, talents, and contributions. He proposed that the university will take the establishment of the Alumni Entrepreneurs Association as a new starting point to better unite, serve, and support alumni, working together to promote the development of all alumni and RUC.

Lin Shangli, President of RUC, highlighted in the speech that alma mater is an eternal spiritual home for alumni, and the support of alumni is a crucial safeguard for the vigorous development of a university. He pointed out that the Alumni Entrepreneurs Association will help to bring together RUC students and alumni closer.

Zheng Xinye, Vice President of RUC, presided over the forum and read out the "Decision on the Composition of the First Council Members of the Renmin University of China Alumni Entrepreneurs Association."


Return to Classrooms

The event also featured a "Return to the Classroom" activity, allowing alumni to sit in familiar classrooms, meet their beloved teachers, and relive the vibrancy of campus life.

Meet with Food

The Alumni Market and Alumni Food Culture Festival offered a taste of cuisines from all over the country, bringing back memories of Renmin University amidst the aroma and laughter.



Various Sports Activities

Alumni sports activities, including football, tennis, and marathons, provided a chance for alumni to meet again on the sports field, compete with full effort, and cherish the everlasting camaraderie and memories of their student days.

Parent-Child Painting

The "Backing to RUC" parent-child painting activity allowed parents to bring their children back to the campus in summer, painting the splendid summer of RUC and sharing stories of the past with the gentle breeze and joyful laughter.


Special Concert

A special concert, theming “the beauty of youth”, served as a nostalgic journey through music, reminiscing about the youthful years.


Furthermore, there are events such as the "Pioneer Talent Alumni Forum," "Wind Accompanies My Song" Alumni Concert, the 2nd Human Resources Alumni Forum, Literature Night, and the online exhibition of "Red Family Principles" calligraphy works. All of these contribute to the unforgettable summer memories in RUC.


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