Delegation of RUC Visits Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela

A delegation from Renmin University of China (RUC) led by Wu Fulai, Vice Chair of the University Council, visited Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela from June 24 to July 4, celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil and China and Venezuela. The visit aimed to deepen practical cooperation between RUC and key universities and political parties in Latin America.

On June 25, the delegation met with leaders of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA), including Jorge Kreyness, General Secretary of PCA and Marcelo Rodriguez, Central Committee member. Wu Fulai introduced RUC's strengths and the role of its School of Marxism Studies, expressing a desire for deeper theoretical exchanges and joint training of young cadres.

On June 26, the delegation visited the University of Buenos Aires. Patricio Conejero Ortiz, Vice President of International Affairs and other participants discussed potential collaborations in governance modernization, anti-corruption, digital economy, and energy transition. Wu emphasized the strong strategic partnership between China and Argentina and the need for robust academic collaboration. Both universities were looking forward to future cooperation and further development.

During their stay in Argentina, the delegation also called on Wang Wei, Chinese Ambassador to Argentina. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on topics such as further deepening exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Arab universities and promoting exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and Arab civilizations.

In Brazil, the delegation visited several institutions. On June 27, they met with Sergio Persival Baroncini Proenca, Pro-Rector of the University of São Paulo (USP), discussing joint research and academic exchanges. Wu introduced RUC's initiatives, including the overseas research center and the Qiushi (求是) Scholars project. Proenca highlighted USP's expertise in carbon economics and ecological studies, expressing enthusiasm for future collaborations.

The delegation also visited the headquarters of the Communist Party of Brazil and the Workers' Party, exploring cooperation in areas like anti-corruption, energy economics, and talent development. Discussions with Brazilian party leaders focused on joint projects and sharing experiences in party building and governance.

In the afternoon of June 28, the delegation visited the State University of Campinas and met with Vice President Maria Luiza Moretti and other faculty representatives. Wu Fulai reviewed the history of friendly relations between the two universities, emphasizing the broad scope for cooperation between China and Brazil, which provides a solid foundation for academic exchange. Moretti desired for more dialogue and collaboration between the universities, aiming to create a model for Sino-Brazilian higher education cooperation. After the meeting, participants exchanged views on postgraduate training, public service digitalization, economic development, technological innovation, and South-South cooperation.

On the morning of June 29, the delegation met with Yu Peng, the Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in São Paulo. Wu Fulai briefed on the delegation’s visit to Brazil and the development of the School of Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision at RUC. Both parties expressed a desire to actively promote cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Brazilian universities, implementing concrete projects to contribute to the building of a China-Brazil community with a shared future.

On the morning of July 1, the delegation visited Bolivarian University of Venezuela, meeting with Rector Sandra Oblitas and other officials. Wu Fulai introduced the history, advantageous disciplines, talent cultivation, and cooperation projects of RUC. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges based on their academic strengths and research areas, reaching a consensus on further strengthening communication and deepening cooperation in the future.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the International University of Communication of Venezuela. The meeting was attended by Tania Valentina Díaz González, Vice-President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and President of the International University of Communication. Wu Fulai provided a detailed introduction to the educational strength of RUC and its significant position in Chinese higher education, highlighting the strengths of its School of Journalism and Communication. González shared the progress of the International University of Communication in journalism and advanced technology and expressed a desire to cooperate with RUC in curriculum development, artificial intelligence, and training for party members and cadres.

Throughout their visit, the delegation also met with Chinese embassies and consulates, discussing ways to enhance China-Latin America higher education cooperation and contribute to the building of a China-Latin America community with a shared future.

The visit strengthened RUC's partnerships with key Latin American institutions and political parties, promoting academic exchanges and practical cooperation. It also contributed to the dissemination of China's development experiences and the Belt and Road Initiative, fostering greater cultural and educational ties between China and Latin America. 

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