The Inauguration Ceremony of RUC's Wu Yuzhang School Successfully Held

On September 14, Renmin University of China held the inauguration ceremony of Wu Yuzhang School. Wu Yuzhang School is named after Wu Yuzhang, the first president of RUC. Wu is a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution, a loyal striver for the cause of communism, and a determined pioneer of culture and education. The new school is designed to cultivate talents with patriotism and ability to bring reform and innovation to the country.


The ceremony brought together many influential figures, among them were Ma Lu, Vice Chairman, and Member of the Party Group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, Jiang Wenliang, Vice Minister of the Labor and Economic Work Department of the ACFTU, Hu Xiaoliang, Director of the Management Department of the ACFTU, and Fu Shulin, representative of the alumni of the 1991 Class of Models of Workers, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Taxation Newspaper, and President of China Taxation Newspaper, attended the meeting; Zhang Donggang, Chair of the University Council, Wang Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the RUC University Council and Vice President of RUC, Zhang Leisheng, national first-class professor, Wu Benli, granddaughter of President Wu Yuzhang, and the representative leaders of institution where new students worked in. Vice President Feng Shizheng, member of the Standing Committee of the RUC University Council, also Dean of the Graduate School, presided over the meeting.


Zhang Donggang addressed the ceremony in which he emphasized the importance of education in realize the rejuvenation of the nation. He noted that the latest move is a pilot reform program aiming at cultivating top-notch talents who are expected to be pillar of China’s development. Zhang concluded by saying that RUC will draw on the opportunity presented by the new school to further serve the country and its people.


Following Zhang’s opening speech, Zhang Donggang, Ma Lu, Wu Benli, Fu Shulin, Wang Yi and Feng Shizheng jointly inaugurated the newly established school.


Ma Lu then addressed the ceremony in which she praised RUC, as the first former higher education institution founded by the Communist Party of China, for its longstanding support to the education of model workers. She noted that the newly establishment school greatly facilitate exemplary front-line workers to further improve themselves and thus better serve the country.


Wu Benli then mentioned that President Wu Yuzhang, during his tenure as President of RUC, set the tone for the university’s unswerving emphasis on patriotism and devotion, which proved to be the engine of the university and the country’s development. She urged new students of the school to further learn from President Wu Yuzhang and make contributions to the modernization of China in the new era.


Zhang Leisheng said in his speech that he expect the freshmen to develop moralityaspiration and wisdom in the university, improve their all-round capability by combining scientific theory and professional expertise and apply what the learnt to practice.


Ji Hongbo, teacher in charge of the 2023 class of the new school, Fu Shulin, representative of the alumni of the Class of 1991 Class of Models of Workers, Zhang Helin, Chair of Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Company, Tan Yiquan, National Advanced Worker, Representative of the 2024 PhD Freshmen also addressed the ceremony and shared their insights into the new school and their expectation on it.


At the end of the ceremony, Wang Yi announced the appointment decision of RUC Pioneer Social Practice Program. Zhang Donggang, Ma Lu, Wu Benli, Wang Yi, Feng Shizheng, and Jiang Wenliang presented the appointment certificates to the Mentors of the practice program.


With the noble mission of cultivating talents for the country and its people at its core, Wu Yuzhang School will offer premium courses for outstanding front-line workers and improve their leadership in an all-round way.

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