Renmin University of China hosts University of Lapland Scholars

On October 31st, Renmin University President Chen Yulu welcomed the University of Lapland Rector, Mauri YLA-KOTOLA. Also present from the University of Lapland was Vice-Rector Jukka Makela, and Senior Expert of International Cooperation and Development, Harri Malinen.

The Law Schools of Renmin and Lapland University have enjoyed a very productive relationship; therefore the Deputy Dean of the School of Law, Professor Wang Yi, gave a glowing review of the current student and faculty exchange programs.

 The University of Lapland, in coordination with Finland and the EU, seek sustainable and responsible development of resources with the assistance of Renmin University of China. Agricultural scholar and Director of the International Office, Professor Tang Zhong, and Director of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Professor Zheng Xiang, optimistically discussed the sustainable development of resources in the arctic area.

Deputy Dean of the School of Fine Arts, Professor Wang Jingjian, spoke to the Lapland delegation about student exchange programs aimed at developing artistic expression between China and Finland.

Both President Chen and Rector YLA-KOTOLA felt that Renmin and Lapland have had a great relationship that will continue to flourish and provide opportunities for students.

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