Brazilian Ambassador to China, Clodoaldo Hugueney, meets with President Chen and speaks to Renmin students

On Oct. 31, Brazilian Ambassador to China, Clodoaldo Hugueney, visited Renmin and gave a speech about China-Brazil Relations and career stories.

President Chen was very proud to announce that Renmin University has nine Brazilian students studying various disciplines. Renmin University and the University of Sau Paolo have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate student and faculty exchange. Both President Chen and Ambassador Hugueney agreed that greater student exchange and cultural emersion programs that benefit Chinese and Brazilian relations are important for the future.

President Chen said that he is very interested in financial and economic development in Latin American economies, and that BRIC nations can mutually benefit one another. Professor Tang Zhong, Director of the International Office, and Professor Tao Ran, from the School of Economics, participated in the meeting about Chinese and Brazilian economic relations.

Ambassador Hugnueney was accompanied by Professor Tao to the Runrun Shaw Conference Center to give a speech on the China-Brazil Relationship and international career stories.



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