Presidents of the University of Chicago and Renmin University of China discuss partnership

On December 21, 2012 University of Chicago President Robert J. Zimmer and his colleagues were greeted by Renmin University President Chen Yulu. The two presidents graciously discussed the constructive partnership that the two universities share.

         President Chen discussed the recent 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, mentioning that Renmin University has the most alumni in the CPC. President Chen said that “China had entered a new era of governance” within which Renmin University will continue to develop and internationalize at a steady pace.

         Drawing from President Chen’s recommendation, President Zimmer welcomed the possibility of collaborations in the field of mathematics, particularly mathematical biology research. President Zimmer expressed his desire to continuously develop exchange programs with Renmin University, especially since the attractiveness of China is increasingly being recognized on the University of Chicago campus.

         The University of Chicago delegation visited the archetypes for Renmin University’s new campus, which is currently in its early stages of construction. Being a mathematician, President Zimmer was particularly interested and impressed with the architectural plans that Renmin University intends to construct.

         The University of Chicago Beijing Center, located just outside of Renmin University’s East Gate, serves as a platform and model for international exchange and cooperation. Renmin University of China is excited to deepen its partnership with the University of Chicago.
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