RUC holds award ceremony for the 75th anniversary celebration
The award ceremony of the 75th anniversary of Renmin University of China (RUC) was grandly held on December, 30th in the Yifu Conference Center.   University leaders including Cheng Tianquan, Party Secretary of RUC, and Chen Yulu, president of RUC, representative first-year professors, Zheng Hangsheng and Hu Naiwu, and alumni, Zhu Bo and Lian Si were in attendance to present the awards. Leaders of all the schools, executive departments and directly affiliated and subsidiary units of RUC, representatives of faculty and students also presented themselves. Lui Nengxing, a former graduate from School of Information, and Li Nan, master degree candidate from School of Journalism and Communication, hosted the ceremony. The ceremony began with a video clip reviewing the impressive moments from the 75th anniversary of RUC. From charity sales and the awarding of Wu Yuzhang Humanities and Social Science Prize to public lectures and sociological research, 2012 has observed all kinds of celebratory activities, through which the faculty, students and alumni have felt a sense of mission, a sense of responsibility and happiness. It is not only a demonstration of RUC’s resolution to uphold the spirit of the national educational plan but also RUC’s confidence in promoting the reform of higher education of China.     At the ceremony, the university awarded those advanced individuals who have contributed to the celebration of RUC's 75th anniversary. 123 teaching and administrative staff were granted the title of "Advanced individuals in the celebration of RUC's 75th Anniversary". 487 students were named as "Excellent Volunteers in the celebration of RUC's 75th Anniversary". 70 speakers of the public community lectures were awarded with an honorary certificate. At the ceremony, 10 groups of individuals were been presented with an honorary award as recognition of their contribution to the celebration of RUC's 75th anniversary. The winners include the Students Art Group, the performing group for the opening ceremony, the cake-making group and the microfilm production team etc. They have all received an award that features their contribution and dedication. At the end of the ceremony, President Chen Yulu presented a special award to the Anniversary Celebration Office for their contributions and dedication in coordinating the anniversary celebration.   Cheng Tianquan, Party Secretary of RUC, delivered a speech at the ceremony. He expressed congratulation to the awarded groups and individuals and extended gratitude for the dedication and cooperation of all the departments, faculties, staff, volunteers and alumni.   He noted that it was due to the extensive participation, sincere dedication and high spirits of all the faculties and departments that RUC has held such a joyful party and remarkable celebration. The successful anniversary celebration, which has won high recognition from all sides of society, has not only demonstrated the glorious traditions of RUC but also displayed the honorable spirits of RUC. Cheng Tianquan pointed out that the successful celebration of 75th anniversary has left a valuable commemorative spirit for RUC. The university should take it as a new starting point and spare no effort to promote various campus undertakings. By adhering to the pioneer spirit of RUC, the university will intensify its efforts in building up a first class university that satisfies the people and is recognized in the international academic community. With ringing of the RUC fight song, and the fluttering of 27 school flags, the award ceremony for the 75th anniversary celebration came to an end.
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