Vice Minister of Education Hao Ping tours the Sino-French Institute at RUC
On December 19, 2012, Mr. Hao Ping, the Vice Minister of Education made an inspection of the Sino-French Institute at Renmin University, accompanied by Renmin University President Chen Yulu. Vice Minister Hao firstly visited the "Sino-French Institute Development Exhibition,” which was introduced and explained by President Chen and Chen Yongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy President of the International College (Suzhou Research Institute), RUC. During the visit, Vice Minister Hao said that when the Ministry of Education ratified the Sino-French Institute it forged an unforgettable memory. With the establishment of the Sino-French Institute, he wished Renmin University could pave the way for making full use of high-quality foreign educational resources, which was guided by the “National medium and long-term educational reform and development project summary.” Mr. Hao also expressed his appreciation of the Institute's current development. Then the delegation, led by Vice Minister Hao Ping, paid a visit to students while they were hard at work in class. In the classroom where French students were learning Chinese, the Vice Minister kindly asked them about their studies, and encouraged them to persevere through the language learning difficulties that they encounter. In the International Economics Management class, Mr. Hao told students to cherish the learning opportunity, and to take advantage of Sino-French cooperation in order to understand modern Europe and its developed theories. Representatives from the Ministry of Education Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Jiangsu Education Department, Suzhou City and Renmin University Suzhou Campus, attended the aforementioned event. After the inspection, Vice Minister Hao Ping attended the inauguration ceremony of the Ministry of Education–Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee Co-establishment of Internationalized High Education Demonstration Area. Renmin University President Chen Yulu and leaders from the Suzhou Campus were also in attendance.
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