“UN and China- A Cinematic Journey”sets out from RUC
On June 29, “UN and China- A Cinematic Journey” the UN Film Festival Launching Ceremony was held in Mingde Hall, Renmin University of China. Seven UN documentaries have been presented on the ceremony, recording the positive role China has played in international affairs since its return to UN.
The launching ceremony was co-hosted by Asia Pacific Exchange & Cooperation Foundation, United Nations TV, China Association of Social Economic & Social Exchange and Renmin University of China. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, UN deputy Secretary-General, Chaim Litewski, Director of UN Television Station, Chen yulun, President of Renmin University of China Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce and Vice Director of China International Economic and Exchange Center, Xiao Wunan, Executive Vice President of Asia-Pacific Exchanges and Cooperation Foundation, attended the ceremony. Illuminating the crystal ball, the festival was kicked off.
Before the ceremony, President Chen Yulu met with Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal and Chaim Litewski, with Vice President Yin Zhihong in company.
Since its joining into UN, China has been exerting beneficial influences on international affairs, gaining universal praise from international community. For more than forty years, UNTV recorded China's participation in major activities in form of television and movies. These precious films have never been made public in China or elsewhere in the world. Under the support of Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal and Chaim Litewski, “UN and China- A Cinematic Journey” the UN Film Festival, revisiting China’s endeavor to safeguard world peace and promote global development, was eventually held in China.
Xiao Wunan, executive vice president of Asia-Pacific Exchanges and Cooperation Foundation, pointed out in his speech that as one of the founding members and permanent members of Security Council, China has played an active role in maintain world peace and boost global economic and social development. In order to promote worldwide development and UN’s further cooperation with China, China will exert more and more significant impacts on the stage of UN. This Film Festival Launching Ceremony, which was held in reputed Renmin University of China, has its unparallel importance.
Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal pointed out that China has make great contributions on UN affairs. He said, documentaries made by UN since 1958, with their topics ranging from population issues, feminist movement to peacekeeping operation, serve as an bridge between China and UN to understand, communicate and cooperate. Meanwhile, he expressed his expectations that cooperation between UNTV and China art circles should be strengthened so as to record and narrate UN stories.
President Chen Yulu wished the United Nations Film Festival a complete success. "China's relations with the world could be dated back to ancient days, but now China looks young and vibrant at this moment when these young faces gathered together. Campus of Renmin University of China is not large geographically, but now it’s like a vast area due to your attendance." Professor Chen Yulu said, Renmin University of China will devote itself to promoting international cultural exchanges and China’s participation in global governance.
Chaim Litewski introduced these documentaries edited by UN. He believed that it is of vital significance for Chinese people to get to know their country’s contributions on world peace maintenance and development by reviewing China’s involvement in global affairs since its join in UN. He hoped that people could further understand UN and China’s important role on world stage.
After the ceremony, Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal and Chaim Litewski communicated with RUC teachers and students. This session was hosted by Wang Lili, Associate Professor from RUC School of Journalism.
RUC Vice President Yin Zhihong, Liu Xiangbing, other leaders from national departments, foreign diplomats in Beijing, heads of international organizations and celebrities were also in attendance.