RUC delegation inaugurates fruitful collaborations in Europe
President Chen Yulu of Renmin Univerisity of China (RUC) led a delegation of Chinese Universities to Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the College of Europe, from March 30 to April 3. The visit coincided with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s historic tour of Belgium and other European Union countries.
President Chen signed collaboration agreements with both universities. He also attended several state functions and the high-level seminar
Chinese Reform and Its Impact on the EU and the World.

As a representative of the Chinese universities, President Chen was invited to attend the ceremony where President Xi Jinping and Belgian Prime Minister Di Lvbo witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperation documents. The documents addressed key issues such as economy, trade, science and technology, telecommunications, education, and justice.
The delegation was also invited to hear President Xi Jinping’s speech at the College of Europe. President Chen was later interviewed by both Xinhua News Agency and
People’s Daily.

On March 31, the delegation attended the official signing ceremony for the collaboration agreements, hosted by VUB. In his opening remarks, President Chen discussed RUC’s relationship with Europe, and the development of its acclaimed European studies program. He praised collaboration with VUB, and said that he hoped to see increased cooperation in future.
Together with President Yang Yuliang of Fudan University, President Xie Heping of Sichuan University, and President Paul De Knop of VUB, President Chen signed a memorandum of understanding on the joint establishment of Chinese and European studies in Brussels. Pascal Smet, the Flemish minister for education, also attended the event.
President Chen then led the delegation on a visit to the new China Pavilion at the College of Europe. Three Chinese universities—RUC, Fudan University and Sichuan University—also signed a memorandum of understanding of strategic partnership.These universities are at the forefront of European studies in China.

RUC was able to build on its strength in humanities and social sciences—especially in European studies—by establishing a “3+1” model partnership with VUB and the College of Europe. This substantial action echoed the high-level communication and dialogue in the humanities between Chinese and European universities, as well as President Xi Jinping’s lecture at the College of Europe.