RUC Promotes Educational and Cultural Exchanges between China and France
The Renmin University of China launched the 2014 China-France Education and Culture Festival and University-Corporation Collaboration Forum at its Suzhou campus on Friday, 11 April. The event is hosted by the Sino-French Institute, RUC. It marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, promoting bilateral cultural exchanges and deepening academic collaboration.
The opening ceremony was jointly hosted by the two deans of the Sino-French Institute: Professor Yang Weiguo of RUC, for the Chinese side, and Vice-President Jean-François Vergnaud of Paul Valery University, for the French side. Professor Yi Zhihong, Vice President of Renmin University of China, was among the guests in attendance.

At the opening ceremony, Vice-President Yann Bisiou, from Paul Valery Unversity, introduced the programme of the China-FRance Education and Culture Festival, which was later jointly unveiled by the guests.

Ms. Xia Fang, representing Suzhou Industrial Park and Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Zone, delivered a speech saying that the Education and Culture Festival has provided an important platform for the integration of industry, education, research and investment.

Xia said: “Suzhou Industrial Park will further enhance the close cooperation with RUC. We will combine the RUC’s advantages in academy, talented graduates and brand with our advantages in innovation, industry and market, which will be a competitive and win-win cooperation.”
In his address, President Philip McLaughlin of Kedge Budiness School said that the establishment of the Sino-French Institute could help the students, corporations, and even the two countries realize a “beautiful dream.” He said that he hopes all the participants will take advantage the opportunity provided by the forum with meaningful dialogue and in-depth exchanges. And he also expressed his gratitude to the organizing team.

In her speech, RUC Vice-President Yi Zhihong said that the internationalization of higher education has become a vital trend in the modern world. From the standpoint of globalization, strong disciplines, outstanding teachers, she said, the Sino-French Institute has achieved remarkable results. In the two years since it was established, its dynamic atmosphere of an international campus and innovative mentoring system. She said that the Sino-French succeeds in fostering a global outlook in students, and serving regional economic and social development, Yi said.

Yi also said that the Education and Culture Festival demonstrates the achievements of collaboration in higher education between China and France, and to enhance the relationship between the university and the society by exploring new ways of cooperation.
Mr. Emmanuel Lenain, consul-general of France in Shanghai, pointed out that the Sino-French Institute, situated in the “paradise” Suzhou, is a national leader in innovation. He said that on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, communication between the two countries should not only be limited to economic and political areas, but also develop into higher cultural levels. And, he said, the government would give unconditional support to this kind of culture cooperation.

Lenain noted that many French companies had branches in China, and had great expectations of the students from the Sino-French Institute. He welcomed students to join these companies, and encouraged them to study hard and to contribute to the development of both China and France.
After the ceremony, a University-Corporation cooperation forum was held. Vice-President Yi, President McLaughlin and Vice-President Yann chaired the forum. Vice-President Yi announced the establishment of the RUC-Jiangnan business club to help deepen the ongoing relations between the institute and business. They also issued letters of appointment to career mentors.

Since its establishment in June 2012, the Sino-French Institute has become a bridge for higher education cooperation between China and France. Besides the activities above, the China-France Education and Culture Festival held meetings for students and companies, a school open day, a culture festival, music concert and speech contest. The events helped deepen understanding of universities and companies, and enlarged their social impact.