Cum Laude:2014 RUC Excellent Graduation Artworks Exhibit
RENMIN UNIVERSITY MAY 29: The opening ceremony of 2014 RUC Excellent
Graduation Artworks Show was held today in the Exhibition Room, School of Arts, RUC. The exhibition will continue to June 12.

Zhang Jianming, Executive Vice Chairman of the University Council attended the opening ceremony, along with Vice President Zha Xianyou, Zheng Shuiquan, Assistant President and other department heads. More than one hundred people were present at the ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Wang Yingjian, Vice Dean from School of Arts.
In the opening remark, Zhang Jianming congratulated art students for their outstanding graduation works and spoke high of the exhibition. He also expressed his appreciation towards all the efforts made by teachers and students of ArtSchool. He pointed out that the cultivating of art talents required unremitting efforts. For 15 years since the establishment of the School of Art, RUC, with the joint efforts of faculty and students, it has trained many outstanding art talents and promoted the development of the university by upgrading its art taste and campus activities, said Vice Chairman Zhang. He hoped that graduates of 2014 would forge ahead, creating more acknowledged and popular art works, so as to can make great contribution to art circles.

Professor Huang Huasan from Painting Department, Director of Design Department, Associate Professor Tong Yan, guided the guests at the exhibition and briefly introduced pre-opening endeavors. Associate Professor Liu Mingcai and senior student from Visual Communication Department, Wang Yakun delivered a speech on behalf of the faculty and students respectively. Jin Nuo, Chairman of the University Council visited the graduation and discussed in brief with art students about their works.

2014 RUC Excellent
Graduation Artworks Show is a new attempt for ArtSchool to demonstrate the fruits of teaching and educating art talents.