Executive Deputy Chairman of the University Council ZHANG Jianming Tours RUC Suzhou Campus To Drive Inter-Campus Collaboration, Attends Annual China Agricultural Economics Conference
On the 11th and 12th of November, ZHANG Jianming, Executive Deputy Chairman of the RUC University Council went on a tour of the Suzhou campus in order to drive collaborative efforts between the two campuses. While there he also attended the annual China Agricultural Economics Conference that happened to be on at that time. Chair of the Suzhou campus’ University Council and Dean of the School of International Studies and the Sino-French Institute ZHU Xinkai, the Director of the President’s Office QIAO Peng and others accompanied him on the research tour. The meeting began with Dean ZHU giving a briefing on the current circumstances at the Suzhou campus. He stated that the Suzhou campus was currently working hard at upgrading its educational facilities, improving the campus environment, and upgrading the standard of its logistical services, so as to ensure the smooth operation of education and research tasks, and to form a solid foundation for further development. Executive Deputy Chairman ZHANG visited the Student Services Centre, went on a tour of the Kaitai and Xiuyuan buildings, and had a look at the offices and classrooms, remarking on the fine quality of work that had been done at the Suzhou campus, and expressed his thanks to the leadership team and staff at Suzhou campus for all their hard work. He stated that the unique nature of running a Sino-Foreign orientated campus in another city had brought about some of the numerous unique qualities of the Suzhou campus. In the face of these peculiarities and difficulties, the University Council of the Suzhou campus had still managed to strengthen student-teacher relations and foster innovation, as well as improve the conditions of education, research and student life, contributing greatly to the sound development of the campus. image05 On the morning of the 12th, Executive Deputy Chairman ZHANG met with Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture CHEN Xiaohua and many other leaders and guests to attend the 2016 session of the annual China Agricultural Economics Conference. He welcomed all the guests to the conference, and expressed his hope that it would serve to promote innovation and deepen scientific collaboration in this most important of fields, taking the opportunity to meet the guests at the conference. image02 That morning, Executive Deputy Chairman ZHANG went to the opening ceremony of the conference, and gave a speech on behalf of RUC. image033 At noon on the 12th, Executive Deputy Chairman ZHANG attended Suzhou campus’ Jingzhai hotel to meet with officials from Suzhou City government. He expressed his thanks to the officials for their support of the Suzhou campus of RUC, and they expressed their approval of the running of the Suzhou campus. They then proceeded to express their views on how to develop the Suzhou campus into the future to ensure its continued success. image10 image11  
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