Chairwoman JIN Nuo, President LIU Wei Meet with RUC Alumnus ZOU Gang
On the 14
th of November, leading economist for the Inter-American Investment Bank, Professor of Commerce at Zhongnan University and RUC alumnus ZOU Gang paid a visit to RUC, where he met with RUC University Council Chairwoman JIN Nuo and President LIU Wei. Vice Presidents YI Zhihong and HE Yaomin were also in attendance.

(Chairwoman JIN Nuo chats with alumnus Professor ZOU Gang)

(President LIU Wei talks with alumnus Professor ZOU Gang)
Chairwoman JIN expressed her heartfelt support and thanks to Professor ZOU on behalf of RUC. She noted that RUC was the first university following the novel model in the new China, adhering to the principles of “catering education for the people, and in service of the country.” In this, RUC strives to always lead, to ceaselessly strive to develop the field of the humanities and social sciences, and develop the national economic society. She continued, stating that running the University relies heavily on the support of alumni, and it is precisely the indefatigable concern and assistance from alumni that has allowed this University to develop, that has enabled RUC to forge ahead and expand innovation. RUC closely follows the work of its alumni, and actively seeks their assistance in running the University, making the best of this help and support to further develop the leaders of the future, in order to facilitate national development.

President LIU briefed Professor ZOU on the latest developments at the university, especially with regards to the plans for upgrading the campus, developing education, and improving the quality of teaching staff. He stated that in running the school they maintain a traditional approach that also incorporates innovation, so as to provide opportunities for student development and to improve the level of academic research, so as to realise the goal of becoming a first-rate international university. He expressed hope that Professor ZOU would continue his interest in, support of, and participation in the improvement of the University, and provide valuable feedback for how to improve and reform the University, to ensure its continued success into the future.

Professor ZOU expressed his thanks to his Alma mater for the education and training he received, professing that he remembered fondly his time as a student at RUC. He stated that no matter where he is, or what job he is doing, he always does his Alma mater proud. He hopes to continue working with RUC, providing resources, looking for collaborative opportunities and providing funding to assist in the development of RUC, so that he can do his part in assisting RUC become a first-rate international institution.

Following the meeting Professor ZOU participated in a discussion on the future development of RUC’s northern campus, providing valuable opinions on the direction they should take. Vice President YI Zhihong also participated in the discussion.

During the visit, Professor ZOU went on a tour of the campus with Vice President YI Zhihong, having a look at the RUC Campus History Museum, reflecting on how much RUC has developed since his time as a student.