Internationally Renowned Mathematician Professor YAU Shing-tung Attends RUC “Science Classroom”
On the morning of the 10th of December, RUC Society of Science and Technology held the second “Science Classroom” event in the Huixian Building, with Harvard University Professor YAU Shing-tung giving a lecture on the topic “Science and History – The Development of Basic Science in China.” 2b1a3624 Professor YAU is an internationally renowned mathematician, emeritus professor at Harvard University, and has received many awards such as the Fields Medal, the Crafoord Prize, and the Wolf Prize in Mathematics. Especially noteworthy is his 1982 awarding of the Fields Medal, the so-called “Nobel Prize for Mathematicians,” as he was the first Chinese academic to do so. Professor YAU proved the Calabi Conjecture, giving his name to Calabi-Yau Manifolds, which is a fundamental concept related to string theory in physics. RUC University Council Chairwoman JIN Nuo met with Professor YAU prior to the lecture, along with Vice President WU Shaoqiu, and others. During the meeting Chairwoman JIN stated that mathematics is the foundation of science, and that mastery of mathematical concepts is essential for excellence in scientific research. She continued, noting that Professor YAU has not only made remarkable contributions to the field of mathematics globally, he has also followed closely and supported the development of mathematics in China, and has worked tirelessly to assist in promoting mathematics and developing young talent, mathematics courses, and scientific research. 2b1a3561 2b1a3589 The lecture followed the meeting, and there was not an empty seat in the house, with the audience even filling the aisles. Professor YAU talked about the development of basic science in China, explicating the significance of this important branch of learning. He stated that the development of science and technology plays an important role in the sustainable development of prosperous and strong nations, and that the development of science and technology relies on basic science. Whichever nation is able to lead the way in science and technology will be formidable, and whichever nation leads the way in basic science, will leave a long lasting intellectual legacy. Basic science is scientific inquiry into the laws of the universe, just as philosophy is the origin of mastering the questions. The development of basic science requires the assistance of philosophical thought so as to continue the ceaseless pursuit of knowledge, and to spur the determined mind to probe into the origins of truth. 2b1a3665 Vice President WU followed with some comments on the lecture. He praised Professor YAU’s talk for explaining the profound in simple terms, for taking us on a journey of the long history of science, and enlightening us on explorations of science in the search of truth. An era of scientific development inevitably leads to a prosperous era, just as a time of scientific achievement must be an era of deep philosophical spirit. Conducting scientific research requires a critical and inquisitive spirit, with impetus derived from an interest in humanity, nature and society. In this we can develop an inclusive attitude, and ceaselessly strive for innovation in science, empowered by the knowledge that we will contribute to a thriving and prosperous nation. 2b1a3611-450x300 After the lecture, Vice President WU presented Professor YAU with a memento from his attendance at the “Science Classroom.” “Science Classroom” is as high-level lecture series held by RUC, geared to the needs of RUC and the Zhongguancun district’s tertiary students, that invites academics from China and abroad to come and give a talk The lecture is aimed at “disseminating scientific learning, to develop a scientific spirit,” and so far has had a positive effect on the task of developing science and technology and education at the University.
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