Chairwoman JIN Nuo, President LIU Wei Attend Student New Year Festivities
On the evening of the 30th of December, RUC University Council Chairwoman JIN Nuo and President LIU Wei attended new year’s festivities put on for the students by the School of Science and the School of History, to personally extend their new year’s wishes to the students and teachers. Vice President HONG Dayong, University Council Vice Chairman ZHENG Shuiquan, and many other representatives of the University’s leadership team also attended the festivities. Chairwoman JIN and President LIU arrived at the restaurant on the 3rd floor of the northern cafeteria, where they chatted with the students while making dumplings. They talked with the students about their lives, and wished the students and their families peace and health in the new year, encouraging them to keep working hard, and to continue their great work. 1 In the Qiushi Lecture Theatre at the Student Activity Centre, Chairwoman JIN and President LIU had a great time with the students and teachers of the School of History, such as playing a ‘lucky dip’ for a “Lucky Star of the New Spring,” and gave prizes to the people who picked out the “Lucky Stars.” President LIU extended new year’s wishes to all on behalf of the University, and the Chairwoman JIN took to the stage for a singalong with the students and teachers, much to the delight of the audience. 2 During the activity, Chairwoman JIN and President LIU also called on the student and staff workers who were busy preparing for RUC’s 2017 new year’s evening party to thank them for their hard work and to wish them all the best for the new year. 3 4  
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