On June 10-12, hosted by the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, CPC Fujian Provincial Committee organized “BRICS Political Parties, Think-Tanks, and Civil Society Forum” in Fuzhou. The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC, Secretariat LIU Yunshan gave an important address at the opening ceremony, with 37 political parties of 26 countries, 105 think-tanks, and over 400 representatives of 79 civil society organizations were in attendance. Leaders of the BRICS Summit come together only once every 10 years to organize this one-time large scale event gathering together all political parties, think-tanks, civil society organizations.
On June 10, RUC Vice President and Professor WU Xiaoqiu was invited to attend the BRICS Forum as a guest speaker. He expressed, that BRICS no matter whether regime, culture, or economic scale, or law, there always will be differences, but these differences don’t separate or divide these five BRICS nations’, as in the spirit of collaboration they have continually moved toward a common goal. Already, great strides have been made in the last 10 years. BRICS nations were born in an age of hope and optimism towards economic development, meeting with staggering growth, which has stimulated the entire world’s economy. For the past 10 years, these five nations have developed in completely different ways, but have always come together jointly on international affairs in developing nations and emerging economies, to help the world find new driving forces for development.
RUC VP WU made three suggestions in his speech: one was expanding the function of BRICS, BRICS needs to respond and address the emerging market economies and increase its influence on international affairs; second, BRICS needs to support projects that are beneficial for the public and are effective, including realizing liberalization of investment, trade facilitation, and three, strengthen mutual cooperation between each of the five nations of BRICS. He also expressed that as BRICS develops, it needs to address structural reformation, adjust industrial structuring, improve the level of industrial technology advances and developments, content and added value, and reduce its dependency on resources.
On June 11th, RUC Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies Executive Dean WANG Wen hosted the Forum “BRICS and South-South cooperation”, which concluded the publication of the Chinese-English Research Report BRICS: New globalization and power, this is the forum’s special arrangements and one of the two most important research findings. He expressed, that sufficient practice and research results indicate that recently under the current world economy, populism, trade, conservatism and these issues, BRIC hopes to meet head on and address. In the future, BRICS will continue to expand in all aspects, and especially in green finance, inclusive finance in different areas of cooperation.
Vice President WU Xiaoqiu, Executive Dean WANG Wen were interviewed by expert journalists from media such as Xinhua, People’s Daily, and CCTV.
This Forum is a monumental event leading up to the BRICS Leadership Summit in Fuzhou and Xiamen beginning of August 2017, which RUC Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies will attend and duly prepare research reports and confidential reference items, and hold various warm-up events. This follows the August G20 Summit in 2016, with the May 2017 Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit, where Chongyang Financial Research Institute will once again officially authorize the participation of China’s domestic and international affairs, and elevate think tanks at RUC’s international influence and policy making.