RUC holds friendly Swimming Competition for teaching and administrative staff to celebrate its' 80th Anniversary

In celebration of RUC’s 80th Anniversary, and to promote health consciousness and physical fitness as a whole to the teaching administration, and enrich their lives with positive energy, on the afternoon of June 20, RUC held a friendly swimming competition. Altogether there were 20 different parties with over 100 swim enthusiasts that attended and participated in freestyle and breaststroke, competing in four different events.

RUC Party Committee Deputy Secretary WU Fulai called out to encourage strong, robust males to lead the freestyle event, and participating parties have the courage to compete and show off the spirit and strength of their teaching staff.

After one hour of fierce competition, LIU Xianchao, XU Jianping, and WANG Hongyu were the champions of the Women’s freestyle and Men’s Breaststroke. This competition was a great platform for meeting friends, and promoting health, where everyone expressed that they will indeed attend future university events like this.

This competition celebrated and welcomed in RUC’s 80th Anniversary and was an important sports event for all of the teaching administration, hosted by RUC Labour Union, and co-hosted by RUC Faculty Swimming Association. It was organized to enrich people’s lives, and share the sport of swimming, with the Labour Union continuing to collaborate with relevant departments to keep up this sports events series in celebration of the 80th anniversary of RUC.

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