RUC signs with National research university "Higher school of economics"

On the morning of July 30th, Zheng Xinye, Vice President of RUC, met with Victoria Panova, Vice President of National research university "Higher school of economics" in Russia, and the two parties signed the "Cooperation and Exchange Agreement between RUC and National research university "Higher school of economics".

Zheng Xinye welcomed the visit of the delegation and reviewed the background of friendly exchanges between the two universities. He expressed that National research university "Higher school of economics" in Russia is an important partner of RUC. Taking this visit by Vice President Panova and the signing of the agreement as an opportunity, he hopes that the two universities can elevate their cooperation to a higher level and expand it to a broader range. They will carry out joint research on issues related to the Arctic, as well as common global concerns such as sustainable development goals, climate change, energy security, and food security, providing policy recommendations and solutions, and working together to create a better world.

Besides, Zheng expressed that RUC is willing to discuss the establishment of dual degree programs with National research university "Higher school of economics" and sincerely invites outstanding students from the other side to study at RUC through the exchange programs and degree programs, to deepen youth exchange and dialogue between China and Russia, and jointly cultivate young leaders for both countries.

Victoria Panova highlighted the establishment of the BRICS Experts Committee at her university. She stated that National research university "Higher school of economics" and RUC have always been friendly academic partners. The signing of the agreement marks another good beginning of cooperation between the two universities. She is willing to carry out more bilateral and multilateral exchanges with RUC through platforms such as the BRICS Experts Committee, and hopes that the two universities will continue to expand and deepen various forms of exchange and cooperation such as mutual visits of teachers and students, joint research, and talent cultivation in the future.

The visit was also attended by Ksenia Shevtsova, Director of the International Office of National research university "Higher school of economics" in Russia, Valeria Gorbacheva, Director of the Multilateral Strategic Projects Office, Sergey Garbuk, Director of the Scientific Research Project Office and Chairman of the Russian "Artificial Intelligence" Standardization Technical Committee, Vasily Kashin, Director of the European and International Comprehensive Research Center, Dmitry Suslov, Deputy Director of the European and International Comprehensive Research Center, Denis Degterev, Professor of the School of International Relations, Valentina Skryabina, Associate Professor of the Trade Policy Institute's Trade Policy Department, and Vsevolod Cheresov, an expert from the International Office.

Relevant persons in charge from the International Cooperation and Exchange Office, the School of Finance and Economics, and the School of International Relations of RUC also attended the meeting.


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