Australian Ambassador to China visits Renmin University

On January 16, Mrs. Frances Adamson, Australian Ambassador to China, met with Renmin University President Chen Yulu, and spoke to University leaders and faculty regarding the Australian Research Center.

Mr. Yang Jun, member of the China Ministry of Education, and Deputy Director-General of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, was also in attendance.

President Chen praised the substantial partnerships that Renmin University holds with various Australian Universities, and expressed his support for further student exchange between China and Australia.

In Ambassador Adamson’s meeting with President Chen, the Ambassador promoted Australian Universities’ student centered education programs that assist Chinese students in their acclimatization while studying and living in a western society.

The Australian Studies Center was delighted to host Ambassador Adamson and her colleagues from the Australian Embassy. Ambassador Adamson gave a speech to Renmin University leaders, faculty, students, as well as representatives from CCTV and China Youth Daily. The speech highlighted constructive bi-lateral trade ties and inter-governmental links, specifically mentioning the productive joint military defense exercises and the prospective free trade agreement.

The Australian Studies Center serves as a platform for Chinese and Australian cultural exchange initiatives, helping international collaborations reach their full potential.
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