RUC President Chen Yulu met the visiting Dr. László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion in European Commission on the afternoon of November 5
th. Dr. Andor was accompanied by seven staff including Mr. Mr. Gyula Cserey, officials from Commission for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, and officials from the Delegation of European Union to China.

President Chen, on behalf of RUC, welcomed Dr. Andor’s visit to RUC and introduced RUC’s academic research on Europe Studies and Labor Economics. He believed that, this visit could help promote exchange and cooperation between RUC and European universities. President Chen, at the request of the guests, also introduced the employment situation of RUC graduates. Dr. Andor appreciated the hospitality offered by President Chen, and said he was honored to be given a chance to communicate with RUC staff and students. He explained that coordination within EU and international cooperation are necessary for employment and social affairs, and he further pointed out that the student exchange between universities in different European countries as well as between Chinese and European universities is of great importance in building China-Europe strategic partnership.
Dr. Andor then delivered a speech titled “Youth Employment Policies in the EU” at School of Labor and Human Resources of RUC. The speech was moderated by Professor Yi Dinghong, director of the Department of Labor Economics in School of Labor and Human Resources. In his speech, Dr. Andor explained in details the economy, youth employment, as well as the content and background of youth employment policies in EU. His speech also covered the trend of youth employment in EU. After some comments made by Professor Yi Dinghong on the speech, Dr. Andor conducted in-depth communication with the audience, and spoke highly of the questions raised by students.

Prof. Yi Zhihong, RUC Vice President for International Affairs and Dr. Zhang Xiaojing, director of International Office were in attendance.