Internet Finance Forum Held, Internet Finance Program Started
RENMIN UNIVERSITY, 22 Sep. 2014 (Via RUC English News):On Spetember 21, 2014, the Internet Finance Forum commenced in Renmin University of China. Zhang Lei, Chairman of Hillhouse Capital and Hillhouse Academy, Chen Yulu, President of RUC and dozens of senior officials and top management from the nation’s finance sector, attended the forum and inaugurated “Hillhouse Elites’ Express”, the new double-degree program specialized in Internet Finance. This forum was organized by Hillhouse Academy of RUC, with the theme of “Internet and Future: Cross the Gap, Reshape the Future”. Representatives from government, higher institutions and the trade proper in the sectors of Internet and finance, as well as faculty and students from Peking University, Tsinghua University and Renmin University, joined the forum and discussed topics on Internet and inclusive finance, Internet and multi-innovations, finance celebs dialogue with Internet. The passion of the attendees lighted this four-hour forum from the beginning to the end. The Double-Degree Internet Finance Program is to start next spring, aiming to foster China’s first generation of leading elites on Internet finance. With the jointed efforts of Hillhouse Academy, School of Finance, School of Business as well as School of Economics, this program recruits applicants from freshmen and sophomores at RUC with multi-disciplinary background. The eligible are required to fulfill the curriculum in the coming 2nd to 4th undergraduate school years. Hillhouse Academy would be responsible to provide them with university tutors and enterprise advisers so as to offer one-to-one guidance for their career development. 1 2 As President Chen Yulu pointed out, Internet and finance are two core driving forces for China’s modernization, whereas Internet finance is an innovative combination of both and a leading-edge frontier to cultivate talents at the Information age, it also serves as the innovation field for financial theories and the growing field for the discipline of finance. Therefore, RUC would spare no effort to support this program and forge it into “the Huangpu Military Academy” in Internet finance. Chairman Zhang Lei said, as a renowned university in humanities and social sciences, RUC emphasizes general education, critical thinking and practical spirit throughout its teaching and education, and thus the high quality elites from RUC would undoubtedly play an important role in promoting the technological development. 3 Hillhouse Academy is a non-profit institution for higher education and research, streamlining multi-disciplinary resources in RUC. Under the joint advocacy of Chen Yulu, President of RUC, and Richard Levine, the 22nd President of Yale University, Zhang Lei, the Chairman of Hillhouse Capital and distinguished alumnus from both RUC and Yale, and other founding directors contribute to its setup. Since its founding in 2011, Hillhouse Academy has been devoted to promoting the cooperation between RUC and world-class universities and research institutes, such as Yale and Oxford. Many celebs in the related fields have been invited here for talks and lectures, including Li Yanhong, founder of Baidu portal, Liu Qiangdong, founder of Jingdong net, and Prof. Robert Schiller, Nobel Laureate in economics. (Transwritten by Guo Zi’en, reviewed by Long Yan)
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